What is a Citizen Journal?

Since 1994, the thousand universes have been inventing, coordinating and leading artistic and cultural education workshops with all audiences and in various artistic fields (typography, engraving, writing, photography, video, painting, ceramics, dance).

Over the years, we have sought to cross audiences and practices, create bridges between artistic disciplines and generations, the origins of the people involved in the workshops. For several years, we have set up introductory and practical workshops in journalistic writing and newspaper design.

This citizen newspaper project is the fruit of these rich experiences. This involves creating a journal with a “paper” version and another “online”. This is not the journal of a thousand universes. It is a citizen newspaper; it is that of those who do it.

The editorial line is defined by the editorial committee, made up of people engaged in regular editorial meetings accompanied by a journalist, Dominique Delajot and an editor, Cécile Riou, as well as by the Mille Univers team. This professional support does not constitute the writing but accompanies it. The thousand universes guarantee the quality, rigor, and ethics of the editorial work. This newsroom is an agora. A civic place. You can say anything there… but not just anything!

A charter to which each participating person subscribes gives the spirit of the editorial staff. This is already made up of volunteers who responded to our public announcements, residents of the Bellevue nursing home and students from Saint-Exupéry college. There are no geographical constraints. Anyone can participate from anywhere.

The form itself of the printed newspaper, as well as its regularity, will be decided by the editorial staff according to its ability to create articles and its desire for publication; les mille univers undertakes, however, to publish at least one annual paper version, the first to appear, at the latest, in the fourth quarter of 2021.

The model, the format, the type of paper itself will be chosen, in an editorial workshop, by the editorial team accompanied by the thousand universes.

The online version is updated as the articles are published.

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